Copy letter from Isambard Kingdom Brunel to the Directors of the Great Western Railway

Letter from Robert Stephenson to Curteis and Kingsford, Solicitors

Letters patent granted to Stephen Geary for 'Improvements in the preparation of fuel'

Diary of Robert Stephenson

Letter describing the opening of the Liverpool & Manchester Railway and the death of Sir William Huskisson MP after being run down by the "Rocket"

Volume entitled: "History of the Framework Knitting and Lace Trades"

Marshall's Geological Diagrams

Notebooks of Mark Scott on South Hetton Colliery

Manuscript entitled: "Catalogue of the Apparatus of Philosophical Instruments, in the Collection of Her Late Majesty Queen Charlotte, at the Observatory at Richmond in Surrey"

Lithograph of Planet locomotive

Effects of the Railroad on the Brute Creation

Aquatinted illustration - Excavation of Olive Mount, 4 Miles from Liverpool

Aquatinted illustration - Entrance of the Railway at Edge Hill, Liverpool

Aquatinted illustration - Coaches &c. employed on the Railway

Aquatinted illustration - Railway Office, Liverpool

Aquatinted illustration - Taking in water at Parkside

Aquatinted illustration - Railway Office, Liverpool

Liverpool & Manchester Railway handkerchief

Difference Engine index of parts.

Digit counting apparatus on the two upper wheel selectors.

Store variable selectors. Superseding drawing No 2.

Adding axis and wheels without framing

Plan of the figure wheels for one method of adding numbers.

Solution of two simultaneous equations

Notation for the coefficients of the powers of x Computation of the coefficients of a polynomial from those of another divided by a linear term.

Frame of adding wheels

Motion for carrying the tens, plus and minus.

Section of adding wheels and framing.

Long pinions in the position for stepping. Adding wheels and short pinions behind long wheels.

Lifting apparatus by screw. Sheet 9.

Carriage and racks in sections. Sheet 10.

Side and end elevation of feed motion with shade. Second revision.

Sections of framing and racks. Sheet 6.

Side and end elevation of feed motions. Showing the bands in different colours.

Reverse motion for cross planing.

Back and end elevation of cross slide.

Side and end elevations of feed and driving apparatus

Small planing machine. Sheet 1.

Elevation and section of cross slide.

End and side elevation of Large Universal Machine.

Plan, elevation and section of cross slide.

Plan of left half of middle group for General Plan 28.

Plan of Large Universal Machine.

Untitled plan and elevation. Incomplete.

Plan of mill, table wheels and carriage. Sheet 31.

Adding column with motion for changing from plus to minus. Incomplete.

Platform raising apparatus. Sheet 33.

Untitled. A model of six cages was made from this drawing. Incomplete.